In 1977 when Henry Dennis was 3 years old, Elvis died. The subsequent deluge of media tributes ignited Dennis' identity as a singer and he has been singing and songwriting ever since. He also became a lifelong fan of Pink Floyd, and is a current fan of Fontaines DC, Arcade Fire and Sam Fender. Dennis draws material from social division, love and loss - poignantly the recent loss of his former songwriting partner, South African rock legend Ramsay Mackay, to terminal illness. They wrote music together for 20 years in Fife, Scotland. Due to Mackay’s health they were never able to take their music to the stage. Loyally, Dennis stuck with Mackay to the end. Mackay’s firebrand poetic style pervades Dennis’ music still, as well as influencing an occasional hint of African rhythm amid the more bluesy or pop numbers. Now living in the Cotswolds with a wealth of songs to hand, Dennis strives forth solo. His recording break came when a mutual friend played his songs to producer Norman Arnold (Los Angeles) just as Arnold had felt he’d heard more than he could take of the auto-tuned vocals pervading the music industry. Arnold found Dennis’ music refreshing and reviving. The recording project became a joy for all involved. As a result, Dennis released his first two solo albums ’Remember’ and ‘Embers’ back to back, 2022 & 2023, both tributes to Mackay.

Performing live, Dennis delivers a dynamic, paired back, solo set with magnetic flair. He generates nuance using a loop pedal to layer guitar riffs, beats and vocal harmonies and builds intimate solo acoustic songs to groove based crescendoes. He might further add a Gilmour-esque fuzz guitar to soar optimistic melody onto otherwise movingly poetic lyrics. Compared to Hozier amongst others, Dennis has a formidable vocal range to draw from with a default natural ability to harmonise with himself, captivating, soulful, raw and real.

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