Mohamed Errebba

Mohamed Errebba was born in Rabat, Morocco, and is a musician and master in the GNAWA world. He spent a decade travelling through Morocco, studying the diverse regional musical traditions under some of the leading musicians in the country. In southern Morocco, Issawa, and Deqqa folkloric percussion, becoming especially passionate about the three-stringed Gnawa bass lute, the Guembri, before launching his international career.

Receptive to the fusion of musical genres, he has collaborated with many leading international artists. He worked and performed with artists Trey Felix, Felix Starnes, Antonia Val, Hamid Bouchnak, Martin Singer and Justin Adams, mixing traditional African music with the sounds of the wider world.

Mohamed has already performed at festivals worldwide including Shambala, Greenbelt, Musicport, WOMAD (UK), Bergenfest (Norway), Busan (South Korea), Explora festival (Malta), and Festival Internationale de percussions sousse (Tunisia).

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