feral disco

Shaun Llewelyn AKA Feral Disco began DJing in the clubs of West Wales in the early 1990s before cutting his teeth in the competitive club scene in Cardiff and Bristol, where he joined Freebass, currently one of the UK's longest running sound systems.  He has held residencies at the famous Hippo Club, Juice Joint at Clwb Ifor Bach, Silhouettes, Asylum, Groove Therapy, Grooveyard at the Blue Mountain club in Bristol, and the Feral Disco club nights. 

He’s toured France with Freebass where he played early Teknival parties alongside Spiral tribe, R&S Records and Bedlam sound systems. He can currently be spotted playing UK festivals like Beltane and Blue Lagoon, and clubs in Cardiff and Bristol, like the Black Swan and Lakota. Expect an eclectic mix of groovy house, melodic techno, funked up breaks, bass house and speed garage.

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